Maintenance agreement is an agreement between you and Conover Swanson for scheduled inspections and maintenance of your heating and air conditioning equipment. If an equipment failure occurs during the heat of the summer or the cold of the winter, customers with maintenance agreements receive priority service. Our maintenance agreements more than pay for themselves through higher efficiency, less utility overpayment, and discounts. Most importantly, our maintenance agreements include parts and labor for the term of the contract with no additional cost to the customer. The only exceptions are heat exchangers and compressors that are out of warranty.
We offer solutions that can help you get the most out of your budget by controlling maintenance costs and protecting your heating and air conditioning equipment. Routine heating and air conditioning maintenance can help prolong the life of your system. Maintaining your system will insure proper operation and cleanliness. Dirt build up can lead to equipment malfunctioning. In addition, cleanliness will provide improved capacity and lower energy costs. Keep in mind, regular maintenance will support your effort in meeting the manufacturer's warranty requirements.
You can save money when your system is maintained regularly. The price of your contract is guaranteed! We take pride in our workmanship and in all of our services from routine maintenance to a complex installation and repair